Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
Why Recycling Medication Matters
National, | Jul 8, 2012
The Medications Return Program encourages British Columbians to responsibly dispose of expired or unused medications.
Why is this important?
Unused medications left at home or tossed in the garbage, can be found by children and animals and abused by youth or street users. Tossing down the toilet or the drain is not recommended.
Is this really a problem?
Prescription pain medications have replaced heroin as the main drug of choice for street users. As well, youth are increasingly turning to friends, relatives, or their home medicine cabinets and misusing prescription drugs.
What can I do?
When you are no longer using your medication or it has expired, do not throw it in the garbage, flush it down the toilet, or leave it in your medicine cabinet. Instead, return your medications and other health products to your pharmacy where they will be safely disposed. If you are taking medications in your home, remember to lock your drugs and keep them out of harm’s way.
The Medications Return Program held a Social Media Contest, and our panel of judges representing our sponsors; Public Safety Canada, Pharmasave and the Health Industries selected Juvel Jose’s video “Watch Out”. Check it out and remember to use the Medications Return Program for responsible disposal.
Watch Out from Juvel Jose on Vimeo.