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Notice of Public Consultation
British Columbia, | Oct 13, 2016
Notice of Public Consultation – BC Medications Return Stewardship Plan Renewal
The Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) will be holding public consultations regarding amendments to its stewardship plan renewals for the period of 2017 to 2021.
In-person consultations will be held on Wednesday, October 18, 2016 at 5:00 p.m. at the Coast Waste Management Association conference at Westin Bear Mountain in Victoria, British Columbia.
The HPSA is a not-for-profit industry stewardship organizationthat has been serving 165 stewards since 2000. Its stewardship program is accountable to its members, the general public, and the government of British Columbia, through the Ministry of Environment. The program’s yearly performance can be found in its annual report.
The British Columbia Medications Return Plan is the approved product stewardship program for all prescription drugs (all dosage forms), over-the-counter medications (units sold in oral dosage form), and natural health products (units sold in oral dosage form). The current stewardship plan, which was developed by the HPSA, is expiring this December. The current plan was approved by The BC Ministry of Environment in March of 2007.
This stewardship program is managed, operated, and maintained by the Health Products Stewardship Association in accordance with the BC Recycling Regulation.
You are invited to participate in consultations on the new proposed plan targets for the program. The following is the scheduled consultation date:
Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. PST Location: Langford Room, Westin Bear Mountain, Victoria, BC
Furthermore, a webinar consultation will take place 30 days after the consultation to give the public the opportunity to comment on the revised plan. Please feel free to register for the webinar by e-mailing to express your interest in joining. Interested parties will be notified of the details once a date and time is confirmed.
For further information regarding the British Columbia Medications Return Plan, please contact Cassidy Johnson, Program Co-ordinator, Health Products Stewardship Association at 613-723-7282 x103, or