HPSA ON Fall 2019 Newsletter

Ontario, | Dec 13, 2019

Please find enclosed Fall newsletter for Ontario: HPSA_Newsletter_2019_Fall_ON

First Indigenous Led Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group

British Columbia, | Oct 23, 2019

IZWTAG (Indigenous Zero Waste Technical Advisory Group), is an Indigenous led society dedicated to implementing environmentally-responsible waste management in First Nations communities.  It is hosting a gathering which includes representatives from 25 of the 60 First Nations across B.C. that are operating zero-waste facilities or programs;  this gathering is being held in conjunction with the […]

National Drug Drop-Off Month

National, Ontario, | Aug 1, 2019

Keeping old meds in your medicine cabinet, where kids can find them, is never a good idea. It’s not as if someone else is going to return them to the drugstore for you.  Return your meds to your location pharmacy Today!   Si la fée des pilules existait, elle vous dirait que vos médicaments d’ordonnance […]

It’s simple- just take back old prescriptions

National, | Apr 20, 2018

LOCK UP OR TURN IN YOUR Rx DRUGS The Health Products Stewardship Association and participating pharmacies will be joining a national initiative to help keep our kids safe. The information was develop through the understanding that parents don’t think their children are at the stage yet, the creative focused on encouraging parental action and return […]

Proper Disposal of Post- Consumer Medication Returns

Ontario, | Mar 28, 2018

Find out more about our programs in the Winter 2018 issue of Pharmacy Connection by the Ontario College of Pharmacist on pg.30 This article has important informatio regarding safe disposal of controlled sustances returned by a member of the public. http://www.ocpinfo.com/library/pharmacy-connection/download/ocp_pharmacy…

**NEW** Sharps Collection Disposal Container

Ontario, PEI, | Mar 15, 2018

HPSA is proud to introduce New Sharps Disposal containers available in ON and PEI ONLY. Safely dispose of your used sharps devices by following these steps:  1-Recap needle and place into the approved sharp container offered free of charge at any participating pharmacy 2-Once the sharp waste has reached the designated fill line, snap lid closed […]

Opioids for pain after surgery: Your questions answered!

National, | Mar 2, 2018

Opioids for pain after surgery: Your questions answered! For more information about Opioids after surgery, please visit ChoosingWisely or Opioidstewardship  SIGN UP FOR UPDATES Your ProvinceABBCMBNBNLNTNSNUONPEQCSKYT

NEW Recyclepedia App

National, | Feb 16, 2018

We our proud to introduce the Canada Recyclepedia App. The National App, available for both Iphones & Androids, provides users a list of the 10 nearest locations to recycle your unused/expires meds as well as full sharps containers, based on your location, as well as a Google map with directions. Both App’s provide the option […]

BC News Release May 2017

British Columbia, | May 26, 2017

May 9, 2017   For immediate release:   BC pharmacists help residents safely destroy 88.7 tonnes of household pharmaceutical waste   Pharmacists in British Columbia helped residents safely destroy 88.7 tonnes of expired or unused medications in 2016, reports the Health Product Stewardship Association (HPSA) which manages the Medications Return Program in the province. “Our […]


British Columbia, | May 26, 2017

#FAQFridays We are launching a new social medica outreach campaign, in association with the Recycling Council of British Columbia. For more information visit the links below and watch videos about #FAQFridays   https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL5t-QRzBSq4qNBS5QiaB3MhJcm1Hl1fTZ&v=YiKL-nSOArE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1udyAK4tW4

Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
