I Don’t Flush Public Awareness Campaign Launched in Ontario

Ontario, | Oct 17, 2014

TORONTO, ON — October 15, 2014 — Urging consumers to take a closer look at their water use habits, the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) and the Clean Water Foundation (CWF) – in conjunction with The Regional Municipality of York Region, the Region of Peel and the Health Products Stewardship Association, launch the I don’t flush public awareness campaign. The campaign asks the public to return their unused/unwanted medications back to the pharmacy as opposed to flushing them down the toilet or drain, or throwing them in the garbage.

Bringing the issue to the forefront with an onslaught of support from notable Ontarians including: ET Canada’s Rick Campanelli, TVO’s The Water Brothers, TSN’s Cabbie Richards and Mississauga Mayor, Hazel McCallion, amongst many others, the campaign encourages the public to ‘not flush’ their unused pharmaceuticals in a fun and somewhat cheeky tone.

“We were delighted to have so many talented and committed Ontarians sign on as supporters for I don’t flush,” says Christopher Hilkene, President, Clean Water Foundation. “Stewardship of our lakes and rivers is vital. Canadians spend more than $2.5 billion every year treating drinking water and wastewater, and we spend hundreds of millions more dealing with environmental and health problems related to water pollution.”

Ontario’s water utilities provide high-quality drinking water and wastewater services throughout the province, but keeping our source water clean requires each and every one of us to do our part.

“It’s important that the public understands that toilets are not a garbage can,” says Nick Reid, Executive Director of Strategic Partnerships, OCWA. “Twenty five per cent of Canadian households have unwanted, or expired medications. Half of these households have also disposed of their medications in an uncontrolled manner. The I don’t flush campaign aims to start influencing behavioral change and help the public understand that there are better ways to dispose of non-flushables”

To see the full list of participating supporters, to view the PSA and to download the press kit, visit idontflush.ca.

Click here for a helpful infographic detailing why you should support the I don’t flush campaign, or listen to the 30 second radio PSA here.

In addition to the website, more information can be found on Facebook and you can join the conversation on Twitter(#idontflush).

For more information or to arrange for an interview please contact:

Brenda Halkiw | 647-339-1644 | bhalkiw@green-living.ca

Lisa Raffaele | 647-837-1265 | lisa@punchcanada.com

Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
