HPSA to support 2014 National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day

Ontario, | Apr 23, 2014

The Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) proudly announces its support and involvement with the 2014 National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day.  This year’s event takes place Saturday May 10th, and HPSA is encouraging the public to check their medicine cabinets for unused and expired medications.  The one day take back is a community-safety initiative led by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police.

Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications and natural health products in oral dosage form can be disposed of responsibly at numerous drop-off points nationwide during this one day event, or at participating pharmacies through the Medications Return Program pharmacy collection networks in Ontario, Manitoba and British Columbia during the rest of the year.  Visit www.healthsteward.ca to find the collection location nearest you.

According to Detective Staff Sergeant Don Eastop of the OPP’s Drug Enforcement Unit, “the National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day is an excellent initiative that helps to divert expired or unwanted prescription medications away from those who would abuse these medications. Prescription drug abuse within our communities is a dangerous issue, one which the OPP takes very seriously.

Our job is to save lives. Initiatives such as this prevent the unlawful diversion of medications and potentially saves families from the heartache of losing a family member to drug addiction or worse, to an overdose. The OPP reminds all persons that unwanted or expired medications can be dropped off to their local pharmacy at any time throughout the year.”

Participating Police services and Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) detachments:

(Please contact the services or detachments directly to find out the location(s) for the drop-off event)

Name City Phone Number
Almaguin Highlands OPP Detachment Burks Falls 705-382-2015
Atikokan OPP Detachment Atikokan 807-597-2120
Bancroft OPP Detachment Bancroft 613-332-2112
Barrie City Police Barrie 705-725-7025
Barrie OPP Detachment Barrie 705-726-6484
Bracebridge OPP Detachment Bracebridge 705-645-2211
Brant County OPP Detachment Paris 519-442-2242
Brockville Police Service Brockville 613-342-0127
Bruce Peninsula OPP Detachment Wiarton 519-534-1323
Caledon OPP Detachment Caledon East 905-584-2241
Central Hastings OPP Detachment Madoc 613-473-4234
Chatham-Kent Police Chatham 519-436-6600
City of Kawartha Lakes OPP Detachment Lindsay 705-324-6741
Collingwood OPP Detachment Collingwood 705-445-4321
Dryden City Police ** Dryden 807-223-3281
Dryden OPP Detachment ** Dryden 807-937-5577
Dufferin OPP Detachment Mono 519-925-3838
East Algoma (Blind River) OPP Detachment Blind River 705-356-2244
Elgin County OPP Detachment St. Thomas 519-631-2920
Essex County OPP Detachment Essex 519-723-2491
Frontenac OPP Detachment Hartington 613-372-1932
Greater Sudbury Police Service Sudbury 705-675-9171
Greenstone OPP Detachment Geraldton 807-854-1333
Grenville County (Prescott) OPP Detachment Prescott 613-925-4221
Grey County OPP Detachment Chatsworth 519-794-7827
Guelph Police Services Guelph 519-824-1212
Haldimand County OPP Detachment Cayuga 905-772-3322
Haliburton Highlands OPP Minden 705-286-1431
Hawkesbury OPP Detachment Hawkesbury 613-632-2729
Huntsville OPP Detachment Huntsville 705-789-5551
Huron County OPP Detachment Goderich 519-524-8314
Huronia West OPP Detachment Wasaga Beach 705-429-3575
Ignace OPP Detachment Ignace 807-934-2265
James Bay (Cochrane) OPP Detachment Cochrane 705-272-4391
Kawartha Lakes Police Lindsay 705-324-5252
Kenora OPP Detachment Kenora 807-548-5534
Kirkland Lake OPP Detachment Kirkland Lake 705-567-5355
Lambton County OPP Detachment Petrolia 519-882-1011
Lanark County OPP Detachment Perth 613-267-2626
Leeds County (Brockville) OPP Detachment Brockville 613-345-1790
London Police Service London 519-661-5670
Manitoulin (Manitowaning) OPP Detachment Manitowaning 705-859-3155
Middlesex (London) OPP Detachment London 519-681-0300
Napanee OPP Detachment Napanee 613-354-3369
Niagara Regional Police St. Catherines 905-688-4111
Nishnawbe Aski-Police Thunder Bay 800-654-6277
Noelville OPP Detachment Noelville 705-898-2211
Norfolk County OPP Detachment Simcoe 519-426-3434
North Bay OPP Detachment North Bay 705-495-3878
Northumberland (Cobourg) OPP Detachment Cobourg 905-372-5421
Nottawasaga OPP Detachment Alliston 705-434-1939
Orillia OPP Detachment Orillia 705-326-3536
Ottawa Police Service Ottawa 613-236-1222
Oxford County OPP Detachment Tillsonburg 519-688-6540
Peel Regional Police Brampton 905-453-3311
Perth County OPP Detachment Sebringville 519-393-6123
Peterborough City Police Peterborough 705-876-1122
Peterborough County OPP Detachment Peterborough 705-742-0401
Prince Edward OPP Detachment Picton 613-476-2151
Quinte West OPP Detachment Trenton 613-392-3561
Rainy River District (Fort Frances) OPP Detachment Fort Frances 807-274-3322
Red Lake OPP Detachment Red Lake 807-727-2418
Renfrew OPP Detachment Renfrew 613-432-3211
Russell County OPP Detachment Embrun 613-443-4499
Sarnia Police Sarnia 519-344-8861
Sault Ste. Marie OPP Sault Ste. Marie 705-945-6833
Sioux Lookout OPP Detachment Sioux Lookout 807-737-2020
Smith Falls Police Service Smith Falls 613-283-0357
South Bruce OPP Detachment Kincardine 519-396-3341
South Porcupine OPP Detachment South Porcupine 705-235-3345
Southern Bay OPP Detachment Midland 705-526-3761
St. Thomas Police Service St. Thomas 519-631-1364
Stormont, Dundas & Glengarry OPP Detachments Long Sault 613-534-2223
Sudbury OPP Detachment Sudbury 705-564-6900
Superior East (Wawa) OPP Detachment Wawa 705-856-2233
Temiskaming OPP Detachment New Liskeard 705-647-8400
Thunder Bay OPP Detachment Rosslyn 807-939-2133
Upper Ottawa Valley OPP Detachment Pembroke 613-735-0188
Vermillion Bay OPP   807-937-5577
Wellington County (Palmerston) OPP Detachment Palmerston 519-343-5770
West Parry Sound OPP Detachment Parry Sound 705-746-4225

** The Dryden City Police and the Dryden OPP Detachment will host their Drop-Off Events on May 8th, 2014 between 16:30hrs and 19:30hrs.

Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
