Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
What’s in Your Medicine Cabinet?
Manitoba, | May 4, 2015
WINNIPEG, MB May 1, 2015 – Pharmacists Manitoba in partnership with the Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA), the Winnipeg Police Service, and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are reminding Manitobans to check their homes for unused or expired medications and return them to pharmacies on May 9, 2015 – the third annual National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day. This event is sponsored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and is being held in partnership with the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse and Public Safety Canada.
National Prescription Drug Drop-Off Day is a great way to highlight the Manitoba Medications Return Program (MMRP) and educate the public on how to dispose of unused and expired medication safely. MMRP is a free service offered by pharmacies, operated through HPSA and funded by the health products industries. The program keeps Manitoba families safe by removing the potential harm which could result from misused or accidentally ingested medication. By returning old and unused medications to the pharmacy you ensure that they are put into the right hands and disposed of in a safe and environmentally conscious manner.
“Patient health and safety are top priorities for Manitoba pharmacists. Easily accessible medications can be tempting to curious children and teens, leading to serious harm if misused or accidentally ingested. Similarly, cluttered medicine cabinets can be confusing for patients and could lead to serious health problems if the wrong medication is taken”, said Barret Procyshyn, Vice President, Pharmacists Manitoba “pharmacists care about keeping our patients safe. Patients should only have current medications available to ensure the right medication, in the right dosage is being taken.”
“The misuse of prescription drugs has become a crisis in many communities across the country. National endeavors such as this go a long way in ensuring that those who misuse these medications, often our youth and most vulnerable, are protected from their effects.” says Chief Devon Clunis of the Winnipeg Police Service.
“In Manitoba, HPSA operates more than 315 collection sites across the province where consumers may return unused or expired medications. Last year Manitobans returned over 17 and a half tonnes of medications that were no longer in use.” said HPSA’s Program Manager, Brian Shouldice.
Of course you don’t have to wait until May 9 to dispose of your medications. The Manitoba Medication Return Program is available at urban and rural pharmacies all year round. Simply bring unused or expired medications to your local pharmacy for disposal.
Types of medications that are accepted:
- All prescription drugs
- Natural health products
- Over the counter medications
- Bottled liquids, patches and inhalers
- Loose medications, in vials, and blister packs are all accepted
Unsure if you can return your medication at your pharmacy? Look for the attached poster in your pharmacy starting May 1, talk to your pharmacists, or visit
About Pharmacists Manitoba
Pharmacists Manitoba (formerly – Manitoba Society of Pharmacists) was established in 1973 as a non-profit advocating body for pharmacists in Manitoba. Pharmacists Manitoba’s vision is to unify and advance the pharmacist professional in Manitoba by enhancing the recognition and compensation of professional services while inspiring excellence in pharmacy practice.
For Media Inquiries:
Cinthya Clark
Communication and Member Relations Coordinator
Pharmacists Manitoba
C: (204) 880 – 0061 |T: (204) 956 – 6681| |
About Health Products Stewardship Association
HPSA is a not-for-profit industry stewardship organization established in 1999 that was formed to provide the health product industries with a collective means for managing their EPR obligations under regulated provincial programs in Canada. HPSA and the programs it administers are funded entirely by the producers of mediations and sharps.