BC Recycle Summer Ambassadors Tour – Global News Segment

Yukon, | Sep 12, 2016

BC Recycles Summer Ambassadors Abbey Deppiesse and Skye Mandin were visiting more than 2,000 collection facilities to promote responsible disposal of common household products including medication. For the full interview on Global News check link http://globalnews.ca/video/2890993/bc-recycles-summer-ambassador-tour

Health Products Stewardship Association

Yukon, | May 9, 2013

Members/Pharmacists; When the Post-Consumer Pharmaceutical Stewardship Association (PCPSA) was established in 1999, it was done to educate consumers and collect unused or expired pharmaceutical. Since then, the association has grown to accept all medications and since 2013, we also administer a program for sharp devices in Ontario. Simply put, we have outgrown our name. To […]

Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
