Health Products Stewardship Association – Important notice

National, | Mar 19, 2020

March 18th, 2020 To all pharmacy manager, As concerns about the COVID-19 continue to grow here in Canada, Health Product Stewardship Association would like to confirm that at this time there is no interruption of services and our collection and deliveries of supplies for HPSA stewardship programs will be maintained by our service providers (Whitecap, […]

National Drug Drop-Off Month

National, Ontario, | Aug 1, 2019

Keeping old meds in your medicine cabinet, where kids can find them, is never a good idea. It’s not as if someone else is going to return them to the drugstore for you.  Return your meds to your location pharmacy Today!   Si la fée des pilules existait, elle vous dirait que vos médicaments d’ordonnance […]

It’s simple- just take back old prescriptions

National, | Apr 20, 2018

LOCK UP OR TURN IN YOUR Rx DRUGS The Health Products Stewardship Association and participating pharmacies will be joining a national initiative to help keep our kids safe. The information was develop through the understanding that parents don’t think their children are at the stage yet, the creative focused on encouraging parental action and return […]

Opioids for pain after surgery: Your questions answered!

National, | Mar 2, 2018

Opioids for pain after surgery: Your questions answered! For more information about Opioids after surgery, please visit ChoosingWisely or Opioidstewardship  SIGN UP FOR UPDATES Your ProvinceABBCMBNBNLNTNSNUONPEQCSKYT

NEW Recyclepedia App

National, | Feb 16, 2018

We our proud to introduce the Canada Recyclepedia App. The National App, available for both Iphones & Androids, provides users a list of the 10 nearest locations to recycle your unused/expires meds as well as full sharps containers, based on your location, as well as a Google map with directions. Both App’s provide the option […]

National News Release 2017

National, | May 24, 2017

May 9, 2017   A staggering 386 tonnes of unwanted medications safely destroyed in 2016   Ottawa – Canadians and their pharmacists in four provinces have helped safely destroy a staggering 386 tonnes of unused or expired medications in 2016, says the Health Product Stewardship Association (HPSA) which manages medications return programs in British Columbia, […]

Fish can’t say no to drugs, so #ReturnYourMeds

National, | Oct 17, 2016

In May, the BC Pharmacy Association partnered with the Vancouver Police Department, Metro Vancouver, London Drugs and the Health Products Stewardship Association (HPSA) to urge the public to safely dispose of their medications to ensure they don’t get into the wrong hands or pollute the environment. Given the prediction by BC Health Minister Terry Lake […]

Prescription Drugs Misuses by Teens

National, | Mar 16, 2016

Teen Takers, the latest PDFC campaign deals with prescription drug misuse by teens. As they get older, kids tend to help themselves to a lot of things that don’t belong to them around the house, mostly for their own benefit. But what happens when this behaviour reaches the medicine cabinet?  This PSA campaign will engage parents […]

National Medicine Take-Back Campaign

National, | Aug 10, 2015

The Vernon Morning Star published a great article this past weekend detailing this year’s National Medicine Take-Back Campaign and the importance of returning your unused and expired medications. You can view the article here.

Shoppers Drug Mart partners with the Partnership for a Drug Free Canada

National, | Jul 15, 2015

Shopper’s Drug Mart is partnering with the Partnership for a Drug Free Canada for the National Medicine Take-Back Campaign for the third time. This year’s campaign, which allows Canadians to drop off expired or unused medication at their local pharmacy, will also include Loblaw Pharmacy, bringing the total number of drop-off locations to 1,800. This […]

Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
