Quebec pharmaceutical products' take-back program is officially launched. Find a collection location near you.
Old meds be gone – How to dispose of medications safely?
National, | May 3, 2021
Find program participating pharmacies on a drop-off location map.
National, | Feb 25, 2021
Effective March 31, 2021, the HPSA office is moving to a new address. 3800 Steeles Ave West, Suite 301A Woodbridge, ON, L4L 4G9 Please redirect all correspondences accordingly. Thank you!
New Sharps Collection Program Launch in Manitoba
National, | Feb 16, 2021
The Ministry of Conservation and Climate of Manitoba has approved the Manitoba Sharps Collection Program (MSCP) and it is now officially launched. Click here to read the official news release.
Safe Storage and Disposal of Medications during the COVID-19 Pandemic
National, | Nov 6, 2020
Storing medications safely at home and returning products to the pharmacy when they are no longer needed are important ways to prevent harm. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic, pharmacies may not be accepting medication returns for disposal, or they may have new ways of taking them back. Take a look at the newsletter from the […]
Evidence Summary on the Prevention of Poisoning in Canada
National, | Nov 6, 2020
The Evidence Summary on the Prevention of Poisoning describes the current poisoning problem in Canada, using data from hospitals, poison centres and death records. It also highlights best practices for poison prevention, current initiatives in Canada, and recommendations for future actions we can take. The summary is prepared by Parachute Canada and Injury Prevention Centre, […]
Health Canada Bulletin – Requirements for Post-Consumer Returns
National, | Sep 25, 2020
This bulletin replaces the bulletin dated April 16, 2020. The period of validity of the bulletin has been extended up to March 31, 2021. The Office of Controlled Substances (OCS) of Health Canada issued a bulletin, providing pharmacists with information on temporary exceptional measures for post-consumer returns containing controlled substances and recommendations to help reduce […]
Lifetime Achievement For Ginette Vanasse
National, | Jun 22, 2020
Each year the Recycling Council of B.C. recognizes the valuable contribution that individuals and organizations make towards the preservation and protection of British Columbia’s environment. Ginette Vanasse from Health Products Stewardship Association received Lifetime Achievement Award by RCBC in recognition of her role over the years in the recycling space.
Health Products Stewardship Association Welcomes The New Director-General, Terri Drover
National, | May 28, 2020
Please find enclosed the New DG Announcement
Health Canada Bulletin – Requirements for Post-Consumer Returns Containing Controlled Substances
National, | Apr 20, 2020
On April 16th, 2020, the Office of Controlled Substances (OCS) of Health Canada issued a bulletin, providing pharmacists with information on temporary exceptional measures for post-consumer returns containing controlled substances and recommendations to help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19.